The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007

Purpose of the Act

The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, aims to provide a legal framework for the maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizens. The Act ensures that elderly citizens can live with dignity and financial independence, supported by their children or relatives.

Key Provisions of the Act

1. Right to Maintenance

  • Obligation of Children and Relatives: The Act mandates that children and relatives have a duty to provide for their parents and senior citizens. This includes basic needs like food, clothing, residence, and medical attendance.

  • Maintenance Orders: Parents or senior citizens who cannot maintain themselves can apply for a maintenance order, which directs their children or relatives to provide financial support.

2. Tribunal for Maintenance

  • Establishment of Tribunals: The Act provides for the establishment of Maintenance Tribunals to hear applications from senior citizens and parents seeking maintenance.

  • Speedy Process: These tribunals are designed to ensure a speedy and inexpensive process, providing decisions within 90 days of application.

3. Protection of Life and Property

  • Property Transfer Conditions: If a senior citizen has transferred their property to someone after July 2007, with the condition that they will be taken care of, and this condition is not fulfilled, the transfer can be declared void.

  • Abandonment: The Act makes it a punishable offense for children or relatives to abandon their parents or senior citizens.

4. Establishment of Old Age Homes

  • Government Responsibility: The Act mandates state governments to establish at least one old age home in each district to accommodate senior citizens who are unable to maintain themselves.

  • Facilities and Standards: These homes must have adequate facilities and standards to ensure the comfort and welfare of the residents.

5. Medical Care

  • Healthcare Provisions: The Act obligates state governments to ensure that senior citizens have access to healthcare facilities. Government hospitals must provide beds for all senior citizens, and treatment should be free of charge for the poor.

  • Special Clinics: The Act encourages the establishment of special medical clinics for senior citizens.

6. Legal Representation

  • Simplified Legal Process: The Act ensures that the legal process for senior citizens seeking maintenance is simple and accessible. Senior citizens can also be represented by a lawyer or anyone they authorize.